Monday, December 20, 2010

My Bucket List

The knowledge that it is the end prompts you to shoo away your cowardly, egoistical, know-it-all side, and do all those things that you had earlier said you really didn't care about or that you were never going to undertake. Why? Because towards the end, you realize how stupid you've been in letting small hurdles - be it mental or physical - stop you from following your instincts - or as other people say it, your heart.

The Bucket List is actually one of my favorite movie for that precise reason. It shows two old men, who, when they find out that there is no escape for them from cancer, decide to indulge their desires and take off with a list that they create of all the things that they would like to do before they die - the bucket list - regardless of what their families or friends think.

It's almost the end of my college life with SIMC(UG). Yes, the road upto this point has been very rocky. But one can't live with negativity for too long - or at least I can't. So I have made a bucket list of my own of things to do before I finish my last semester.

I'm pretty sure the list will become longer as the days pass because there are so many things that I want to do. But for now, these hold the foremost significant place in the list. They are indeed pretty random and I'm sure that all those who know me in college would be pretty stunned to see certain names, but the list holds true. I'm not saying that I will finish all of them, I'm saying that I'm going to try to do so.

Nikhita's Bucket List for Sem 6:
1) Patch up with Vigya Atri. (definitely should have done that sooner)

2) Hang out with Vigya Atri, Sunaina Bhakri, Neha Srivastava and Chetasi Kane.

3) Spend more time at Ekon with Dipen Shah, Sourya Sen and Antariksh Jain. (cause I miss the times I used to spend at that place)

4) Hang out at Dhruv and Udit's place as a group (the memories of the madness will never fade)

5) Listen to Naman Saraiya elaborate about his next article/drama/event in great detail (stop
looking so shocked Naman)

6) Get drunk with Radhika Chandorkar and Meryl Sebastian. (be it at home or at Mallaka Spice)

7) Go for a night time ride across the city on Shubham Shukla's bike. (Yes, that means that you're taking me, Shubs)

8) Drink at least once with Tuhina Sharma, Kannagi Khanna, Riya Chakravarty, Akansha Thapliyal and Rhia Kapoor.

9) Have dinner with Ayush Kapoor, Nishant Mehta, Bhanu Pratap Singh and Vipul Gupta. (hopefully the promised home cooked chicken by Ayush)

10) Have a chat with Devaashish S Savant.

11) Go to High Spirits with Andrea Brazina Simoes, Nikita Furnell and Saniaa Shah.

12) Hang out with Nagesh, Pranay, Prachi, Suhani, Tashu, Neema, Ami, Nivedita, Vankoor, Ayush Garg, and the entire gang.

13) Go for another "explore the city" walk with Vigya Atri and Madhav Nair.

14) Spend more time with Devika and her beau Saif.

Drink with Vigya Atri, Dipen Shah, Sourya Sen and Antariksh Jain (yes Anty you have to drink).
16) Go to Apache (or whatever place that was) with Karan Kurup and Rishabh Nair