Saturday, December 19, 2009

Simple Treasures

It’s funny how you never appreciate something until it’s gone. I remember as a little girl of 10, watching T.V stories about teenagers and adults, how I wished that I could grow faster just so that I could experience the glamorous life like they were. I used to be impatient and sick of being a kid back then and used to secretly dress up like the celebrities that I saw.

I look back now and fondly think of all the people that came into my life, all the funny and embarrassing moments, remembering the wild crazy fun everyone used to have doing the most random and simple things, the thrill of learning new things, like how to ride a bike, how to cook etc, the numerous friends one used to make. I never really completely understood how valuable my childhood was until I had grown up. Similarly, I never really fully appreciated my father’s presence in my life either.

I laugh when I think about when I used to be a timid creature, all because of him. I never wanted to do anything outrageous for fear that my father wouldn’t like it. I remember loving him like crazy when he used to do everything that I wanted him to do and raining curses down upon his head whenever he used to stop me from doing something I wanted to do. I never really got up the courage to go talk to him like an equal because he used to be strict with me nor to be myself in front of him.

I miss the times he used to throw me up in the air, his protective presence, the times we spent talking in the balcony while he smoked, the times he would give me stern lectures, the times I used to drop everything at 8 pm sharp and run to the living room because I knew that was when he would step into the house from work…well in short, I miss him.

I never really made an attempt to know him nor did I give him a change to get to know me. Never once did I remind him that he would always be one of the most important personalities in my life. And now I never will get that opportunity.

I don’t know what everyone is going to do today, but I have one suggestion….nay request to you all. Just take 10 minutes off of your busy schedule and appreciate all the simple treasures in your life. Look back fondly upon every memory, live your life contentedly, and most important of all, hold your loved ones close and tell them how much you love them. It’s the least you can do, for those that make you the very person that you are now.


  1. I'm not going to comment.
    I don't know how to.
    I just won't.
    I can't.

  2. :)
    thank you. that, in itself, was the best compliment i have received so far.

  3. You write from the heart.
