Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To Trust or Not to Trust?

Trust is a funny thing really. How does one know who to trust and who not to? Many would say that your instinct plays a very important role in answering that question. Instinct, a small inner voice representative of the subconscious mind. It tells a person what he/she is truly feeling, when he/she does not realize it himself.
But what happens when someone whom one deemed untrustworthy, commits a deed that earns one’s trust? Or if someone one deemed trustworthy betrays one? Does it mean that there is something faulty with one’s instinct?
An error of judgment is permissible in human beings, is what my mother had to say. True, but what if that small error of judgment leads to very horrifying consequences. We have all heard of the tales of college girls committing suicide because they got jilted. Of girls and boys being ravaged and tortured by someone they jilted. Or by someone they just met and trusted enough to step into a car with or go to a party with.
Many hardened and cynical humans have a past, wherein they trusted their hearts with someone, and that someone betrayed them. Now I can’t say that one must never give one’s heart to another. That would make no sense. How does one live his/her life fully unless they welcome people into their hearts? Yet at the same time, these people that one lets into one’s heart, have the power to make or break one. So what does one do? How does one escape this troublesome situation?
The answer is that there is nothing one can do to escape this problem. One has to roll with the punches. One must just learn from one’s mistakes. If another has hurt one, one must learn to overcome one’s fear of the same situation getting repeated with another. One must continue to be the same (this one goes out to the cynics, who turn into cynics from sweethearts, instead of staying the same) and continue to let the others in, because one day, one will meet the person who will complete him/her. One must learn to accept his faults and learn to trust in people because it is faith that keeps the world going around – money just determines how luxuriously one cruises by life.


  1. Now, that suddenly made A LOT of sense.

  2. this piece is very emotional for me. However this is a debatable topic.
